Session schedule

Tomasoft© Audio

Duration of one session - 2 hours (per day)
Duration of the first course - 32 hours (16 days)
Duration of the second course - 26 hours (13 days)
Duration of the third course - 18 hours (9 days)

*Sessions can be held for a minimum of 30 minutes per day.

The program automatically monitors the duration and correctness of sessions and courses.
Sessions should be held daily with a break of 1-2 days a week (for example, every day except Saturday and Sunday).
The break between each course is 1 month.

Technical requirements

Tomasoft© Audio

Required hardware and software:
- Personal computer or laptop;
- Any closed type headphones with support for the entire frequency range (from 20 or 40 Hz to 18000 or 20000 Hz);
- Tomasoft© Audio software.

COMPUTER/LAPTOP based on Windows:
Operating system Windows (7, 8, 8.1, 10) 32 or 64 bit
RAM: from 2 Gb
Processor: from 2.0 Ghz
Hard disk space: ~2 Gb
Microsoft Net.Framework 3.5.1 (included with the product)
Internet connection (only required for license activation)

If your child can physically hear, and there are no hearing-related diseases, you can use any closed-type headphones that are comfortable for your child. Wireless or with a long cable. With frequency responses from 20-40 Hz to 18000-20000 Hz.
For conductive hearing loss or damage to the structure of the middle ear, you can use headphones with bone conduction or vibration.

Headphones - droplets can not be used!

You can find high-quality headphones in any digital equipment store in your city, or in online stores.

Microphone (Not necessary):
To record "Voice of Mom" you can use any medium-priced microphone. Recording can be done in the program, or you can record the sound file in another place and later add it to the program.
You need to record up to 2 minutes. It could be a short story or a poem.

What do you need to know before getting started?

Tomasoft© Audio

Create a new card and follow the program's instructions to customize your child's course.

Put on your headphones and start the session. You need to adjust the volume level. Set the volume so that the child can hear the outside world and your voice with a slightly raised tone. Comfortable volume depends on the headphones and your sound card.
End your session (if the session was less than 10 minutes, it will not be saved)

Session Requirements

Tomasoft© Audio

Before using the program, you need to make sure that the child does not have a conductive or sensorineural hearing loss.

The program is for children aged 2 to 10.

Use with caution during a period when the brain and its membranes, the spinal cord are inflamed, and in epilepsy.
In case of acute injuries, bleeding, hypertension or infectious disease, sessions should not be used.
With a fever, it is necessary to skip sessions until recovery.
If an MRI or CT scan showed signs of organic brain damage, sound therapy may not be effective (depending on which part of the brain is affected).
If your child has a cochlear implant, sound therapy cannot be used.

Sessions rules

Tomasoft© Audio

Put the headphones on your child and start the session.
If the child is not yet accustomed to the headphones and is trying to take them off, try to distract him with an entertaining, creative game, take your hands with toys.

When the child removes the headphones, press the pause button. When put on, continue the session again.

During the session it is allowed:
- Engage in various games;
- Read fairy tales;
- Communicate;
- Conduct active activities

During the session it is forbidden:
- Sleep;
- Watch TV;
- Play with gadgets;
- Show negative emotions (screaming, crying, etc.)
- Forcibly force a child to put on headphones and forcibly prevent him from taking them off

Attention! For the duration of the course, the child is strongly recommended to exclude watching TV and playing with gadgets.

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